GPT Personal Companion
Privacy Policy

Last updated: May 19, 2024

1. Introduction

Hey there! Thanks for using GPT Personal Companion ("GPTPC" throughout). I'm not big on collecting personal info, but here is what you should be aware of in terms of privacy.

2. What GPTPC Collects

GPTPC doesn't collect any personal information from you. No names, emails, or phone numbers. You can't even create an account. So even if you wanted to give GPTPC your personal information, you couldn't. However...

3. Third-Party Websites

Since GPTPC runs on top of other websites, those sites might collect personal info. I'm not responsible for what they do, so check out their privacy policies if you're curious.

4. Donations

If you decide to give me a tip (thanks!), I'll use third-party payment processors. They might collect some personal info to process your tip. Again, check their privacy policies to see how they handle your info.

5. Keeping Your Info Safe

If you do decide to entrust your information to me by, say, sending me an email, I'll use reasonable security measures to protect the info (personal or non-personal) you entrust me with. But remember, no system is 100% foolproof.

6. Changes to This Policy

I might update this privacy policy from time to time. If I do, I'll post a notice on the community discord and show a notice in GPTPC.

7. Get in Touch

Got questions or concerns about this policy? Drop me a line at davidckss[at] I'd love to hear from you!